Apple Turnovers

We had so much fun apple picking upstate! Here’s how I made apple turnovers with some of the delicious apples we picked…



  • 1 Puff Pastry Sheet
  • 1/4 Teaspoon Cinnamon
  • 1/2 Cup Brown Sugar
  • 1 Tablespoon Corn Starch
  • 1 Tablespoon Butter
  • Flour
  • 2 Fresh Apples

Step 1

Remove 1 puff pastry sheet from packaging.

Step 2

Dust surface with a little flour and thaw puffy pastry sheet.

Step 3

Peel apples. Chop apples into bite-size pieces. Keep them in a bowl of water.

NOTE: I was testing red vs. green apples today, but you should really stick to one kind of apple for the recipe.

Step 4

Add a little butter to the pan.

NOTE: I usually take a tablespoon and cut it into fourths so it melts faster.

Step 5

Drain apple pieces. Add to melted butter.Step 6

Add 1/2 cup of brown sugar.

NOTE: I don’t like things too sweet, so I put less than 1/2 cup. Up to you!

Step 7

Add a little water to a little corn starch and add to bubbling mixture. This will thicken the sauce.

NOTE: You HAVE to keep stirring while you add the cornstarch+water mixture, or else it’ll clump!

Step 8

Cook for 1 more minute. Total cook time should be about 5 minutes.

NOTE: You don’t want to over cook the mixture since it’s going to bake more in the oven.

Step 9

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.Step 10

Roll out the thawed pastry sheet.

NOTE: You don’t have to – but if you do, you get more surface area 🙂

Step 11

Divide pastry sheet into squares – however big you want them.

Step 12

Add a spoon of mixture and fold over into a triangle.

NOTE: Don’t overstuff. It’s tempting, but don’t. Or else your beautiful pastry will explode in the oven and look ugly.

Step 13

Press with fork. Why? Looks prettier and keeps it together.

Optional: Add water to edge (just like dumplings) before closing to make sure it sticks.

Step 14

Place on parchment paper and bake for 20 minutes.

Option: Brush egg white on top of pastry before baking to make shiny, fancier pastry.

NOTE: Parchment paper is different than wax paper. Wax paper melts. Parchment paper does not. Use parchment paper for baking.

Opinion: I guess you could use foil, but foil is better for cooking or broiling food rather than baking since it generates moisture.

My Favorite Step

Eat. Be Happy.

NOTE: I burned these a little because I was listening to music and didn’t hear the oven. Yours should be a lighter brown and more golden than mine 🙂 Oops!

Step 14 (Alternative)

If you want to save some for another day, place on floured tray and freeze. When frozen, place into zip lock bags. Whenever you’re ready to eat one, preheat the over to 400 degrees and bake for 20 minutes!

October 24, 2008. Desserts. Leave a comment.